Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Consistency and Repetition

Consistency provides the building blocks; repetition is the mortar that holds the program together. Without the two, you might as well try to teach a rock how to fetch. The results will be
the same!

Consistency means more than just using the same commands over and over again. It also means using the same praises and corrections each time and keeping your voice tones consistently unique for each. Even your body language and postures used during training should remain uniform between sessions. As trivial as it might seem, pets pick up on stuff like that. Dogs and cats also like routine, so stick to it. Train at the same hour each day and for the same length of time for each daily session.

Just as important as consistency to a dog or cat’s learning process is repetition. Repeating an action or training drill over and over will help reinforce the positive response you are looking
for. Furthermore, the more repetition you implement into training, the leaner and more refined
your pet’s learned skills become.

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